September Birth Flowers: Aster and Morning Glory

Introduction to September Birth Flowers

Morning glories and asters bring energy to the garden as summer ends and autumn arrives. Their vibrant shades are a pleasant sight. Learn more about the flower’s significance and meaning and how to cultivate the late-summer flowers!

What Are the September Birth Flowers?

Asters were once a symbol of revolution. These were once used to commemorate the soldiers who died in war. They also served as a source of inspiration for artists and writers. Morning Glory Morning Splendor is a vine that grows rapidly and has been an icon of love that is unending and unrequited for a long time.

Primary September Birth Flower: AsterPrimary September Birth Flowers Aster-min

It is part of the Daisy family (Asteraceae family), including marigolds, dahlias, and sunflowers. Asters offer some color as summer transitions to autumn. There are hundreds of asters, with estimates of between 250 and 350 species that live in the world. Daisies in various colors, from yellow and white to purple, pink, blue, and red, have delicate petals radiating from a yellow or white tubular disc flower (white center or yellow).

It was reported that the Aster Genus was refined and split a few years ago. The most commonly used North American “asters” were classified under a new Genus called Symphyotrichum. Asters that belong to the Aster Genus are now nearly only native to Europe in addition to Asia.

Aster Meanings and Symbolism

  • As a word in Greek, aster is a reference to “star,” which is about the star-like appearance of the plant’s flowers.
  • In the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations, burning aster leaves was believed to repel snakes and deter evil spirits.
  • They were believed to be sacred flowers to Greek and Roman gods. Greek mythology traces the aster’s origins back to the tears of goddess Astraea.
  • Asters have always symbolized love, beauty, patience, and wisdom. It is also linked to friendship, faith, and purity.
  • Asters in purple are considered a royal color and a symbol of wisdom. White asters symbolize innocence, Red is a symbol of love and devotion, and pink is a symbol of the love of God and compassion.
  • Asters are thought of as the Capricorn’s zodiac flower.
  • The flower is presented on the 20th anniversary of weddings.

Aster in History

The elegant-looking aster is loved in homes and gardens. Thomas Jefferson enjoyed the China aster ( Callistephus chinensis)in particular and was able to grow the plant on the grounds of his Monticello estate. Aster flowers have also been the subject of many awe-inspiring artworks, including paintings of Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. In his poem The Last Walk, writer Robert Frost used the aster flower as a symbol of optimism.

The aster is also involved in various cultural movements. The revolution in Hungary following World War I came to be called “the Aster Revolution,” during which those who supported the process wore asters on their hats and marched in the city streets in Budapest. In World War II, asters were ceremonially placed on the graves of French soldiers.

The aster plant has been utilized to treat various ailments over time. A tincture derived from New England asters (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) was thought to help with respiratory problems. It was previously used to ease headaches and hangovers and also as a treatment for epilepsy.

Asters in the GardenAsters in the Garden-min

Asters are a breeze to grow and require little care. They bloom between late summer and early autumn when the last little bit of summer’s color begins to fade. Additionally, thanks to its blooms in the late season, the aster offers nectar and a spot of rest for butterflies on their way to the next.

Asters tend to have bushy growth and can grow between 6 inches and eight feet in height. Based on their variety, some species can tolerate full sun while others prefer shade. When it comes to soil, asters thrive best in rich, loamy, and well-draining soils but can also take on earth with fewer nutrients. Seeds, roots, or cuttings of the stem can cultivate asters. The leaves and the flowers are edible. Likewise, some aspects of the plants are utilized to make drinks and teas.

Secondary September Birth Flower: Morning GlorySecondary September Birth Flower Morning Glory

The members from the Ipomoea Genus, the morning glory plant, are referred to for their fast-growing vines and an unusual daily routine that sees the flowers open in the morning and then closed by afternoon. The flowers’ purple and blue hues are the most well-known morning glories and are available in a variety of reds, pinks, and whites. They are trumpet-shaped, with five large petals laid flat around the flower’s head, making them appealing to hummingbirds and butterflies.

The leaves are big and heart-shaped. They resemble the leaves of sweet potatoes (another part of Ipomoea). Common Morning Glory (Ipomoea purpurea) is native to Mexico and Central America. Morning glory plants and flowers are poisonous and should never be consumed or used in culinary preparations. The seeds of certain species have been found to contain tiny amounts of a hallucinogenic drug.

Morning Glory Meanings and Symbolism

  • As with many vining plants, morning glories have been associated with love.
  • Morning glories symbolize the love that never came back. They are also believed to signify eternal love.
  • Each color is associated with a unique meaning: blue is a symbol of long-lasting love, passion, and strength, while purple is a symbol of wealth, grace, and optimism; pink symbolizes energy and gratitude. Red is a symbol of the power of passion and strength. White, as well as other flowers, symbolizes innocence and purity.

Morning Glory in History

Morning Glory Pool comprises Yellowstone National Park’s top geyser basin. It was named in the 1880s because of its similarity to the flowers. The artist Georgia O’Keefe, one of the leading pioneers of modern art, created “Blue Morning Glories” in 1938. It’s one of her most well-known works.

Morning Glory in the GardenMorning Glory in the Garden-min

The plant could be annual or perennial, based on the species and climate. To get them started, soak the seeds overnight in water before planting. They can be grown inside or in the soil following the last winter frost. Morning glories tolerate poor soil conditions but prefer planting in well-drained, moist soil, with partial shadow to full sunlight. They are simple to maintain and flower from the beginning of summer until the first frost.

Morning glories may be planted using a trellis-like structure — up at 10 to 15 feet during one season, or grow in a manner that allows them to expand out as an area of ground cover. Once established, they increase, which is why a variety of species of morning glory are classified as an invasive weed in some areas. Be sure to check local regulations before planting.

Final Thoughts

As September ushers in the transition from summer to fall, the birth flowers, Aster and Morning Glory, paint gardens with vibrant hues and rich symbolism. With their star-like blooms, asters signify love, wisdom, and patience, adorning the late-season garden effortlessly. Morning Glories symbolize unending love with their enchanting daily ritual of unfurling delicate trumpet-shaped petals. These blooms, though distinct, share the essence of beauty and significance, making them perfect choices for September birthdays. Whether you’re cultivating Asters for their vibrant display or Morning Glories for their symbolic allure, September’s birth flowers bring a touch of magic to gardens and hearts alike.

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