July Birth Flowers: Larkspurs and Water Lily

Introduction to July Birth Flowers

Please find out about the waterlily and the larkspur, two of our July blooms. The one emerges from beneath the water’s surface, while the other blooms on one stalk several feet above the ground. Both provide some color during the early to mid-summer seasons!

What Are the July’s Birth Flowers?

Larkspurs are considered to be a symbol of optimism and commitment. They’re a fantastic feature in any yard because of their height and gorgeous purple-blue flowers. Be aware: These plants can be poisonous!

The water lily symbolizes purity and innocence, giving an energy boost to aquatic ecosystems and serving as a source of inspiration for one of the greatest artists in the world.

Primary July Birth Flower: LarkspurPrimary July Birth Flower Larkspur

The larkspur belongs to the family known as the buttercup (Ranunculaceae), indigenous to the Mediterranean, Africa, and Europe. Larkspurs can be found in wild habitats throughout the United States and Europe and are a natural part of gardens worldwide.

The term “larkspur” may refer to flowers from the Genus Consolida that tend to be annuals or flowers belonging to the Genus Delphinium that are perennials. They are very closely linked, and Consolida is often considered an individual group in that Delphinium Genus.

Larkspurs were believed to have acquired their name because of their resemblance with the claw that the meadowlark uses. It is also called Lark’s Claw, Knight’s Spur, and Lark’s Heel.

The larkspur may rise between 1 and 3 feet when fully grown. They blossom in the early summer months before heat sets in, developing in groups on one single stalk. Each flower comprises five petals and an elongated spur at the middle. The flowers are available in single and double forms.

Although it’s beautiful to behold and attractive to an outdoor space, the larkspur can poison people and animals when consumed.

Larkspur Meanings and Symbolism

  • The larkspur symbolizes positive energy, love bonds, dedication, and sincerity. It is also described as a sign of the joy and youthfulness of a person.
  • Each color in the Larkspur family has an individual meaning. Blue, difficult to come by within flower arrangements, symbolizes dignity and grace; pink represents a sense of uncertainty; white represents joy and happiness; purple indicates the first love.

Larkspur in History

  • Based on Greek mythology, the larkspur was born out of the blood of Ajax during the Battle of Troy. In anger that he could not get the armor of the wounded Achilles, the warrior Achilles, Ajax threw himself onto his sword, which caused his blood to pour onto the floor and the flowers to blossom.
  • Other theories about its first appearance are that of a dragon killed and the combination of its blood, blue, and venom, along with fragments of blue sky falling on the ground.
  • In England, people previously sprinkled larkspur into baths to protect against magic and ghosts.
  • In Transylvania, if larkspur were placed close to stables, it was believed to protect witches from harm.
  • In the past, in Greece, larkspurs were used to treat open wounds.
  • The Victorian era was the time that gave rise to the notion that Larkspur could ward off evil.
  • When it first became naturalized in the U.S., Native Americans used the flower to make dyes and repel insects.
  • The Larkspur is among the flowers mentioned in the letters of George Washington.

Larkspurs in the GardenLarkspurs in the Garden

Larkspurs can be quickly grown from seeds and are low-maintenance. The seeds can be sown in the autumn in warmer climates. However, seeds should be planted in the springtime in colder climates.

The plant is excellent for gardens with wildflowers and cottage gardens. It is also a magnet for butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. It’s a beautiful cut flower to incorporate into floral arrangements due to its size.

Secondary July Birth Flower: Water LilySecondary July Birth Flower Water Lily

The water lilies are part of the Nymphaeaceae family. They are perennials that are available in two varieties: hardy and tropical. The tropical water lilies look more prominent and stunning and come in various colors. They also have longer blooms. They are available in two types of blooming patterns:

  • Day blooming, where flowers open at midday and shut at the end of the afternoon. Hardy water lilies are day blooming.
  • Night blooming when they open at dusk and close the next day.

The water lily in classic white and an array of colors are beautiful and fragrant, and the interlocking petals spread to give the most attractive look. This Amazon water lily is a lily that grows pads that measure up to 8 feet in size with large blooms that change between pink and white flowers during their blooming period, that last just for a couple of days.

Water Lily Meanings and Symbolism

  • Water lilies, especially white varieties, have historically symbolized purity, innocence, and virtue.
  • Pink water lilies symbolize friendship and joy, Red is a symbol of romance and passion, Blue is a symbol of wisdom and calm, and yellow is a symbol of energy and new beginnings.
  • In the belief system of Buddhism and Hinduism, Water flowers are believed to signify resurrection and rebirth since the flowers are open and close daily. Buddhists also believe that water Lilies represent enlightenment since the gorgeous flowers rise from the dark and filthy ground beneath the water.

Water Lily in History

  • In Greek legends, nymphs are water protectors, so the water lily’s botanical family name–Nymphaeaceae–should be derived from these female divinities.
  • According to an Egyptian legend, the gods’ creation resulted from the blue water lily.
  • Monks and nuns were believed to crush the roots of water lilies to use it to treat sexual desire. It was also utilized as a painkiller, anti-inflammatory, soothing, and treatment for anxiety and insomnia.
  • French painting artist Claude Monet was quite captivated by the water lilies in his garden. He spent a long time painting the flowers on the grounds of his Giverny, France, property and also created over 200 works using water lilies as the subject.
  • 1984: The International Waterlily and Water Gardening Society was founded in 1984.
  • Water lilies are Bangladesh’s national bloom of Bangladesh.

Water Lilies in the GardenWater Lilies in the Garden

Water lilies aren’t just attractive, but they are also essential to the ecosystem. They result from the rhizomes planted in muddy areas beneath the water’s surface. However, their lily pads provide shade to stop algae growth. They are also an important food source for wildlife and fish and act as a filter for the waters they live in.

Larger plants can be planted in ponds, water gardens, or even ponds, while smaller plants do very well in containers. They thrive best when the water is still and warm with sunlight. Water that is moving due to waterfalls or fountains can impact their performance.

Final Thoughts

In the heart of summer, July’s birth flowers, the larkspur and water lily, grace us with their unique beauty and symbolism. Larkspurs, with their vibrant purple-blue blooms, symbolize optimism and commitment, while the water lily embodies purity and innocence with its serene presence on the water’s surface. These flowers add charm to gardens and hold historical and cultural significance. Larkspurs, standing tall, and water lilies, floating gracefully, remind us of the diversity and resilience of nature. They inspire us to embrace life’s fleeting moments and find beauty in the terrestrial and aquatic realms.

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