June Birth Flowers: Rose and Honeysuckle

What Are the June Birth Flowers?

Flowers are among the most famous flowers. They are often used as a symbol of love because they’ve long been an emblem of love. Honeysuckle, with its tubular flowers, attracts hummingbirds. It is a symbol of positive energy and happiness.

Primary June Birth Flower: RosePrimary June Birth Flower Rose-min

Rose family (Rosaceae) comprises over 100 varieties of flowering perennial plants. Many are grown to produce beautiful flowers in hues that include pink, white, Green, yellow, and red. The majority of the roses are native to Asia. However, some species have roots that are tied to areas located in North America, Europe, and Northwest Africa. Roses are generally classified into species: the old garden and the modern. The species of roses are the ones that have changed and naturally changed throughout.

Garden RosesGarden Roses-min

Garden roses from the past have been classified under varieties that resulted from breeding efforts before the 1860s.

Modern RosesModern Roses-min

The modern rose is the descendants of both groups, as varieties were introduced in the 1850s.

Rose Meanings and Symbolism

The rose is the symbol of beauty, love, and love. Each color of the rose has a distinct significance. The red rose symbolizes “I love you” and is a symbol of romantic love; pink is a symbol of love and happiness; a white rose represents purity and innocence; orange signifies excitement and desire. Yellow symbolizes joy and cheer however, some folklore believed it to be a sign of jealousy. White and red roses paired together have come to signify unity. The Romans considered roses an expression of the cycle of life and death. They often placed them on funerals for loved relatives.

Roses in History

  • In Colorado, fossil evidence in the form of rose leaves suggests that the rose family was born at least 35 million years ago.
  • It is believed that the cultivation of roses in the garden dates back to 5,000 years ago, starting in China.
  • The oldest rose is approximately 1000 years old. It is located in Hildesheim Cathedral in Hildesheim, Germany; the flowers survived the cathedral’s destruction when it was destroyed during the Second World War.
  • In the Roman period during the Roman period, during the Roman period, Middle East was a popular developing area. The flower’s petals were used as confetti during celebrations, with Roman Emperor Nero hosting rose banquets. They were also used in perfume rooms, for medical use as well as for fragrance.
  • It is believed that Cleopatra covered a room more than a foot deep with rose petals to beat Mark Antony.
  • The rose symbolized conflict in the battle between York and Lancaster to claim the English throne during the early 15th century. White roses were associated with York, and the red rose symbolized Lancaster. The battle between the two was referred to as “War of the Roses.”
  • The 17th century was when roses were viewed as legal tender that could be used for bartering and making payments.
  • French artist and botanical artist Pierre Joseph Redoute created his Les Roses series in the gardens of Chateau of Malmaison just away from Paris, France.
  • In 1892, the American Rose Society was established “to promote the culture, preservation, and appreciation of the Rose.”
  • The roses that grace The White House date back to John Adams’ presidency; however, the official opening of the Rose Garden came under the guidance of Ellen Wilson, the wife of the 28th President Woodrow Wilson. It was in 1961 that John F. Kennedy requested that his Rose Garden be redesigned to be used as a venue outdoors for receptions.
  • Roses are one of the National Floral Emblems of the United States.
  • In Italy, the celebration of roses is celebrated in May. There are even some calling it “the month of the rose.”
  • Rose oil has been used for medicinal reasons since the time of the time of ancient China.
  • It is commonly used in skincare, primarily for sensitive and dry skin. Other uses include the use of it for mild sedative as an antidepressant, as well as for stress-related conditions.
  • Rose petals are used to make teas and can also be used to make potpourri.

Roses in the Garden

Roses can be climbing, upright, or trailing and have stems full of thorns. The flowers vary from tiny flowers with a half-inch diameter to hybrids that measure greater than 6 inches in diameter.

Secondary June Birth Flower: HoneysuckleSecondary June Birth Flower Honeysuckle

The honeysuckle is a spring flowering plant with fragrant flowers with four petals. They grow in two clusters or pairs. The flowers are tubular and vary in color from yellow and white to pink, purple, and red. Once the bloom has finished, the flowers are replaced by round berries, which can be red, orange, or pink. An ancestor of the Caprifoliaceae family, Honeysuckles are natives of their native habitat in the Northern Hemisphere, with certain species indigenous to China, Japan, Europe, India, and North America.

Honeysuckle Meanings and Symbolism

  • Honeysuckle is the name that comes directly from the Middle English word honeysuckle, which translates as “honey suck.” It is believed that the name originated from the capability to suck the sweet nectar right from the flower once they were picked.
  • The honeysuckle symbolizes the joy and love of a new lover. It is also believed to represent nostalgia for first love as well as old lovers.
  • Honeysuckles are often planted in front of homes to give a sense of nostalgia and remember those who died. They are also believed to bring joy and positivity to your life. According to some myths, planting a Honeysuckle close to your home will ward off negativity and shield your home from evil spirits.

Honeysuckle in History

  • The Druids employed honeysuckle symbols as part of the Celtic alphabet to symbolize happiness and joy.
  • A tiny plaque is located on Anderson Memorial Bridge, near Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which is a tribute to the William Faulkner novel “The Sound and the Fury” character Quentin Compson. The plaque reads, “Quentin Compson III/June 2, 1910/Drowned in the odor of honeysuckle.”
  • Honeysuckle is utilized to treat a variety of illnesses, including digestive disorders, respiratory problems, headaches, and so on. It can also be used to treat skin disorders and snakebites.
  • In China, honeysuckle is believed to eliminate toxic substances in the body as well as encourage positive feelings.

Honeysuckle in the Garden


Honeysuckles are woody vines and plants that climb well and require sturdy support structures. The most popular species are Lonicera fragrantissima, an excellent hedge, and the trumpet honeysuckle in its vining form (L. the sempervirens). The plant’s flowers are beautiful and fragrant, a mix that birds, hummingbirds, and butterflies can’t resist.

The honeysuckle thrives under full sun and soil that is well-drained. However, they can tolerate dry soils. When choosing a honeysuckle type, look up invasive species lists to avoid planting species such as Japanese honeysuckle (L. japonica).

Final Thoughts

June, the month of vibrant blooms, brings forth two exquisite birth flowers: the rose and the honeysuckle. Roses, with their diverse colors and enchanting fragrances, have long symbolized love and beauty, while honeysuckles, known for their sweet nectar, represent positivity and joy. Deeply intertwined with human history and culture, these flowers grace gardens with their elegance and fragrant allure. Roses, whether in gardens or bouquets, convey messages of affection and emotions. Honeysuckles, with their nostalgic charm, bring joy and ward off negativity. These June birth flowers symbolize the essence of love, happiness, and the sweet moments life offers.

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