Flowers for birth, often referred to as birth month flowers, are the flowers that symbolize each one of the twelve months in the calendar. They are typically connected to specific characteristics or characteristics that represent the person born in the month.
The practice of naming certain flowers with the month of birth dates from the early Roman times, when people believed certain flowers would bring luck and protection throughout the time they bloomed. As time has passed, the meanings and meanings behind these flowers have evolved and are now a common way to mark birthdays, anniversary celebrations, or other occasions. The selection of each month’s primary and secondary blooms can be argued based on historical significance with cultural significance and floral patterns that change with the seasons.
Why Are There Two Birth Flowers Per Month?
Each month’s primary and second birth flowers add a layer of significance and can be used to celebrate birthdays or other celebrations. The tradition of tying flowers to specific months dates from ancient civilizations when they were thought to have particular qualities that would bring luck or provide protection when they blossomed.
As time passed and the tradition developed, various cultures devised interpretations, meanings, and symbolic meanings for flowers. The presence of primary and secondary birth flower arrangements could be due to these cultural differences as well as the variations in local floral blooms. The availability of two birthing flowers each month gives you more freedom in selecting a flower that fits the person’s personal preferences, personality, or background.
Additionally, the season of bloom for certain flowers could differ according to the region’s climate and the growing conditions. In some instances, secondary flowers might be more easily accessible or blooming in a particular area and, therefore, a more suitable option for celebrations. The availability of primary and secondary birth flower arrangements allows one to appreciate and explore the beauty and significance of a broader selection of flowers that are celebrated every month.
Below is an inventory of the primary and secondary birth flowers for each month with a brief description of the symbolic meaning behind them:
January Birth Flower
January Primary Birth Flower: Carnation
Carnations, scientifically called Dianthus caryophyllus, are popular and adaptable perennials of herbaceous plants typically planted as annuals or biennials. They originate from the Mediterranean region. They have been grown to delight in their sweet and fragrant flowers for over two millennia. Carnations were widely utilized by the early Greeks and Romans to mark occasions of celebrations and also as components in cosmetics and perfumes. They were later introduced to other parts of the globe, where they were a common feature in gardens and floral arrangements, which led to their vast popularity.
Carnations are a symbol of love, passion, and distinction. They are believed to communicate deep emotions. Their significance is determined by the color they are. Carnations in pink symbolize gratitude, while red carnations signify affection and love. White carnations represent purity and luck, whereas yellow carnations convey rejection or disappointment.
Carnations typically bloom from late spring through summer, but specific cultivars bloom all year long when correctly cared for—carnations like full shade to partial shade and well-drained, fertile soil.
Interesting Fact: Carnations can be delicious and incredibly sweet and spicy. They are frequently utilized in desserts, teas, and also as garnishes.
January Secondary Birth Flower: Snowdrop
Snowdrops, or Galanthus, are tiny bulbs in white, drooping blossoms. They are regarded as among the first spring flowers to bloom, usually visible from the snow. The natives of the flower are in Europe as well as the Middle East, where they are found in damp woodlands. They have grown since the 16th century and are part of an extensive cultural heritage.
They are ascribed to Persephone, the Greek goddess Persephone and are commonly regarded as an image of hope, purity, and new beginnings. This is because they bloom most often in the winter months, signaling the beginning of spring.
The snowdrops usually bloom in the latter half of winter or early spring. They like partial to full shade, which makes them the perfect choice to plant in woodlands. They thrive in soil that is well-drained with a high organic matter content.
Interesting Fact: Galanthophiles is a term used to describe people who study and collect snowdrops. There are some unique species fetching hundreds of dollars.
learn more about: January birth flowers types
February Birth Flower
February Primary Birth Flower: Violet
Violas, sometimes called Violets, are beautiful plants that are either annual or biennial. They can also be perennial. They are native to many regions of the Northern Hemisphere, including Europe, Asia, and North America. The violets are known for their small but beautiful flowers and sweet smell. They have been prized for their beauty and fragrance for a long time. Through time the violets have had sacred and religious significance in diverse civilizations like ancient Greece, Rome, and Persia. Napoleon Bonaparte was said to love violets and even had the violets in a locket that was crafted by his beloved wife, Empress Josephine. Violets are also used to treat ailments and in cosmetics, perfumes, and culinary uses.
Violets are a symbol of modesty, devotion, and spiritual wisdom which are characteristics that are commonly associated with people born in February.
They bloom most often in months of spring and summer. They tolerate some shade to full sun with well-drained, moist soil. Violets are frequently utilized as groundcovers in rock gardens or as a beautiful accent to woodland gardens or shaded borders.
Interesting Fact: Violets can be eaten. They can be made for making tea, syrup, and candied flowers.
February Secondary Birth Flower: Primrose
Primrose, also known as Primula, is a perennial herbaceous plant that produces flowers in clusters in a variety of colors, such as pink, white, yellow, and purple. Primrose is often utilized as an ornamental plant in gardens. You can use some species in traditional medicines.
Primroses are indigenous. The primrose vine is native to the Northern Hemisphere and is found in temperate regions such as Europe, Asia, and North America. They are a vibrant culture, with traces to the plant going to the beginning of Greek as well as Roman mythology. They were also very popular with herbalists of the medieval era, and people used it in traditional medicine for a long time.
Primrose is frequently associated with youthfulness and new beginnings and symbolizes love, devotion, and purity.
Primrose blooms typically from the early spring to mid-spring. Some species might even bloom during winter or autumn. They like shade and are ideally suited to gardens in woodlands or with filtered sunlight. Primroses like moist, well-drained soils that are rich in organic matter. They also tolerate various soil types, such as clay and sandy soils.
Interesting Fact: The word “primrose” is derived from the Latin phrase “Prima Rosa,” which means “first rose,” as they’re amongst the first flowers to blossom in the spring.
learn more about: Feburary birth flowers types
March Birth Flower
March Primary Birth Flower: Daffodil
Daffodils (Narcissus) are bulbs of perennial plants found in Europe, Western Asia, and North Africa. The iconic flowers are known because of their trumpet-shaped, vibrant flowers that signify the arrival of spring. Narcissus has grown to be stunning over the years for thousands of years. The antiquated Greeks and Romans also used it in traditional medicines, cosmetics, perfumes, and other products.
Daffodils represent the beginning of a new year, renewal, and spring’s arrival, symbolizing the optimism and hopes of the people born in March.
They flower in the springtime and can last for a few weeks. Daffodils thrive in full sunlight or partial shade and like well-drained soil. Planting bulbs of daffodils during the fall, approximately two weeks before the ground begins to freeze, guarantees a fantastic display of flowers in spring.
Interesting Fact: Narcissus is named after the Greek mythological character, who was in love with himself and his reflection in the pond water and was named after the flower due to its reflected qualities.
March Secondary Birth Flower: Jonquil
Jonquil can be described as a distinct form or kind of daffodil (Narcissus Jonquilla) instead of a distinct individual flower. In certain regions or some cultures, it is believed that the word “jonquil” might be used in conjunction with “daffodil.” Still, it’s important to remember that jonquils are part of the broader daffodil family. Both daffodils and jonquils have the same symbolic meaning, indicating the beginning of a new year, rebirth, and the onset of spring.
learn more about: March birth flowers types
April Birth Flower
April Primary Birth Flower: Daisy
Daisies, such as the common daisy, the oxeye daisy, and the Shasta daisy, are lovely and have a variety of perennial flowers. They have been valued because of their beautiful appearance and therapeutic properties throughout the ages. The origins of daisies are Europe, Europe, and Western Asia; daisies were traditionally used to treat digestive issues, coughs, and skin conditions. Later they were introduced into other parts of the world and became famous as a garden plant.
Daisies symbolize purity, innocence, and love for one another. They represent the joyful and youthful spirit of people born in April.
Daisies bloom from spring until late autumn, based on the type of plant and the local climate. They can flourish in different types of soil. Daisies like full sunlight, at least six hours of direct sunshine daily. They tend to be low-maintenance and can tolerate moderately tricky soil conditions.
Interesting Fact: The term “daisy” comes from the Old English “daes eage,” which means “day’s eye,” referring to the way that the flower opens and closes in the light of the sun.
April Secondary Birth Flower: Sweet Pea
Sweet peas, also known as Lathyrus odoratus, smell wonderful. They are annual climbers that produce beautiful, vibrant blooms with shades of pink, blue, purple, and white. They are typically planted for their scent and also as cut flowers. Sweet peas are indigenous to their native Mediterranean region, including Sicily and Southern Italy. They’ve been cultivated for their fragrance and beauty from the beginning of the 17th century. They gained popularity during the late 19th century, specifically in England, and were common in flower arrangements and gardens.
Sweet Peas symbolize blissful pleasure and gratitude and farewell to show love and appreciation to loved ones.
Sweet peas typically bloom in late spring until the autumn. They require at least six hours of direct sun each day to flourish and need well-drained, fertile soil high in organic material.
Interesting Fact: Sweet peas are trendy in wedding arrangements and floral bouquets.
learn more about: April birth flowers types
May Birth Flower
May Primary Birth Flower: Lily of the Valley
Lily of the Valley, also known as Convallaria Majalis, is a sweet, shade-loving perennial that blooms delicate bell-shaped flowers in the late spring. The plant is characterized by shiny green leaves and is cultivated in clusters. The Lily of the Valley originates from Europe and can be found in regions in Asia as well as North America. It has been used for its beautiful appearance and sweet scent. It has also been utilized in traditional medical practices to treat various diseases, such as heart ailments and headaches.
The delicate blooms symbolize beauty as well as humility, in addition to the return of joy that reflects the tender and affectionate nature of those born in May.
The Lily of the Valley typically blooms late in spring and prefers partial or complete shade. It can grow in various soil types but prefers well-drained, moist soil high in organic matter.
Interesting Fact: In many different cultures, the lily in the valley is believed to be an indicator of luck and is often presented as a present to celebrate May Day.
May Secondary Birth Flower: Hawthorn
Hawthorn, also known as Crataegus, is an evergreen plant, a smaller tree with beautiful pink or white flowers in spring and red berries in autumn. It is frequently utilized as a hedgerow plant and is a popular choice for natural landscaping. It is native to temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere, including Europe, Asia, and North America. Hawthorn was used as a medicine for a long time, specifically to treat heart ailments. Traditional remedies have also been used to treat digestive issues, anxiety, and skin disorders.
Hawthorns symbolize hope and ultimate happiness, indicating the joy and happiness that May brings.
Hawthorn flowers in spring, and it prefers full shade to partial shade. It can be found in various soil types, but it prefers soil that is well-drained and high in organic matter.
Interesting Fact: In certain cultures, the hawthorn tree is believed to possess magical properties. It is also used in rituals and spells to provide protection and love.
learn more about: May birth flowers types
June Birth Flower
June Primary Birth Flower: Rose
The roses are commonly referred to in the form of Rosa spp. They are loved and admirers for their beauty, adversity, and scent. They are among the most sought-after flowers in the world and come in an enormous variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, including more than 300 species and many cultivars. They have a long and rich history that dates back to the ages of thousands of roses cultivated in ancient civilizations like China, Egypt, and Greece. They were used to treat ailments and for food and ornamental uses. The United States, England, and Bulgaria have all declared roses as their flower of national significance.
The rose is a symbol of passion, love, and beauty. They represent romance and the passionate nature of those born in June.
The blooming of roses lasts from spring until frost. They require well-drained soils and at least six hours of sunlight daily to develop and bloom optimally.
Interesting Fact: The oldest fossilized record is of roses, more than 35 million years old.
June Secondary Birth Flower: Honeysuckle
Honeysuckle is an evergreen, deciduous shrub or vine which produces fragrant, tubular flowers during summer. It has oval leaves and can reach 30,050 feet (9 meters) in length. It is a native of Europe, Asia, and North America. It has been utilized in traditional remedies to treat a wide range of illnesses, including colds, coughs, and fevers. It has also been used in Chinese medicine due to its anti-inflammatory properties and antimicrobial qualities.
Honeysuckle symbolizes the bonds of love and the sweet, long-lasting connection between two people.
Honeysuckle generally blooms in summer and prefers full shade to partial shade. It can grow in various soil types but prefers moist, well-drained soil with a high percentage of organic matter.
Interesting Fact: Honeysuckle is an important food source for butterflies, birds, and other pollinators. The nectar from honeysuckle flowers can be used to create honey.
learn more about: June birth flowers types
July Birth Flower
July Primary Birth Flower: Larkspur
Larkspur (Delphinium) is a tall, elegant flowering plant renowned for its vivid hues and bright flowers. These plants originate from the Northern Hemisphere and are prized for their stunning appearance, giving dramatic height to the garden beds. They are commonly utilized as focal points in gardens due to their lovely size and vivid shades. They are famous for border gardens, cottage gardens, and cutting gardens. Their lasting blooms are a popular choice arrangement for arrangements of flowers.
Larkspur symbolizes lightness, fun, and strong bonds of affection, reflecting the carefree and affectionate nature of the people born in July.
Larkspur usually blooms in late spring until the beginning of summer. If adequately maintained, certain varieties may experience another flush of flowers in late summer or fall. They like full sunshine and thrive in fertile soil.
Interesting Fact: The Greek word “Delphic,” which signifies dolphin, is where the name “delphinium” originates. This is due to the nectar spur of the flower having a dolphin-like form.
July Secondary Birth Flower: Water Lily
Water Lilies (Nymphaea) can be described as aquatic flowers that produce round floating leaves as well as beautiful floral blooms that sit over the surface of lakes and ponds. They come in shades like white, pink, yellow, and red. They are cultivated because of their beauty and capacity to add the shade needed and oxygenation to aquatic life’s ecosystems. Water Lilies are native to temperate and tropical areas across the globe, including North and South America, Asia, and Australia.
Water lilies have a lengthy background that spans hundreds of years. They have proof of their usage in earlier civilizations like Egypt and China. They are extensively used in traditional medicine because of their healing properties and are celebrated in literature and art.
Water Lilies are a symbol of purity, illumination, and rebirth. They represent the spiritual development and renewal that is associated with July.
They usually bloom from the late spring through early fall. They like the full sun to a bit of shade. They require well-drained soil and prefer still or slow-moving waters.
Interesting Fact: Lilies’ leaves are hydrophobic, which means they ward off dirt and water, which aids in keeping their leaves clean.
learn more about: July birth flowers types
August Birth Flower
August Primary Birth Flower: Gladiolus
Gladiolus, the sword lily, is a gorgeous bulbous perennial from South Africa, Europe, and Asia. Its striking flower spikes, as well as its wide array of colors, make it extremely valuable. Over the centuries, people have grown gladiolus to enhance their beauty, especially in South Africa and Europe, where they were used for cutting flowers and medicinal benefits. They come in an assortment of colors, such as purple, pink, red, and orange, as well as yellow and white, along with bi-colored or patterns. The flowers bloom from the beginning to the top of the spike and create stunning displays.
Gladiolus is a flower that marks the beginning of August. It symbolizes determination, honesty, and love, embodying the tenacious and robust spirit of the people born during August.
Gladiolus blooms most often in the summer and likes full sunshine and well-drained soil. Planting a staggered pattern can lead to constant blooms throughout the season. Gladiolus are frequently used in border gardens for cutting as well as a focal point of gardens because of their tall flowers, striking spikes of flowers, and numerous colors.
Interesting Fact: During the Victorian period, giving someone the gift of a gladiolus bouquet was a way to tell them that they had touched the heart of the person giving it to them with their love.
August Secondary Birth Flower: Poppy
Poppies are vibrant perennial, herbaceous plants that display stunning flowers in shades like orange, red, pink, yellow, white, and. It is easy to recognize them due to their cup-shaped flowers as well as their prominent black center. They are native to Europe and Asia but have been introduced to other regions, such as North America and Australia.
They have a long and rich history that dates back thousands of years. There is evidence of their use in earlier civilizations, such as ancient civilizations like the Greeks as well as the Romans. They have been utilized for their medicinal benefits and decorative value.
Poppies symbolize dreams, imagination, and eternal rest, representing the balance between the real and the imaginary for people born in August.
Poppies bloom in the late spring and early summer. They prefer the full sun to the shade. Although they may thrive in a range of soil conditions, they favor well-drained soil.
Interesting Fact: Poppy seeds are frequently used in baking and cooking, specifically as poppy seeds.
learn more about: August birth flowers types
September Birth Flower
September Primary Birth Flower: Aster
Asters are stunning flowering plants in different parts of the globe, including North America, Europe, and Asia. Their daisy-like appearance and vibrant flowers make them popular among gardeners due to their ability to attract pollinators. Aster flowers are available in a wide range of hues, including purple, pink, red, blue, white, and. Asters such as New England, New York, and European Michaelmas daisies can be classified.
Asters represent wisdom, love, and faith, which reflect the profound intellectual and emotional characteristics of those born in September.
They usually bloom from late summer until early fall. Their blooms bring a welcome splash of color to the garden when the growing season is approaching.
Asters like full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. They are from cottage meadows, gardens, and borders, making age gaens, and container plants, making them versatile and adaptable to different environments.
Interesting Fact: Asters have a long-standing history of culinary and medicinal use and treat everything from migraines to snake bites.
September Secondary Birth Flower: Morning Glory
Morning Glory is a stunning and quick-growing annual plant that produces bright trumpet-shaped flowers with a variety of colors, such as pink, blue, purple, and white. The flowers typically bloom early in the morning and end in the afternoon. Morning Glory is a native of subtropical and tropical regions in the Americas; however, it is now being introduced to other areas of the globe, including Asia and Europe.
The Morning Glory boasts a long tradition of usage in traditional medicine throughout different cultures and is used to treat headaches, constipation, and Rheumatism. It was also cultivated to be ornamental over the years.
Morning Glory symbolizes love, unrequited love, and death, representing life’s fragile beauty.
Morning Glory typically blooms from the beginning of summer until early autumn and is a fan of full shade to a bit of shade. It is able to grow in a variety of soil types but prefers soil with good drainage.
Interesting Fact: Morning Glory’s seeds contain a natural hallucinogen known as LSA, which may cause psychoactive effects if consumed.
learn more about: September birth flowers types
October Birth Flower
October Primary Birth Flower: Marigold
Marigolds, scientifically called Tagetes, are bright flowers indigenous to North and South America. People admire them for their colorful flowers and low maintenance needs. Marigolds have been cultivated for a long time and have been appreciated because of their attractiveness, therapeutic qualities, and cultural significance. The Aztecs employed marigolds in rituals of worship and traditional medicine and also for decorative reasons.
Marigolds symbolize warmth, imagination, and the beauty of the sun. They represent the creative and artistic passion of people born in October.
Marigolds bloom in the late spring until fall. The sour foliage is an excellent way to repel insects. They thrive in full sunshine and thrive in fertile soil. Marigolds are simple to grow. They are also they are tolerant of drought and heat and attract pollinators.
Marigolds are mostly annual plants, meaning they finish their entire life cycle within one growing season and must be planted yearly.
Interesting Fact: Marigolds can be eaten and can be used in the form of natural food coloring.
October Secondary Birth Flower: Cosmos
Cosmos is a gorgeous annual flowering plant that blooms delicate, daisy-like white, pink, and red blossoms. The leaves are feathery and light, which adds to the plant’s appeal. Cosmos originates from Mexico but has also been introduced to other regions of the globe, including those in the United States and Europe. It was cultivated as an ornamental plant for many years and was valued by the Aztecs because of its healing properties.
Cosmos symbolizes balance, harmony, and peace, indicating an inner calm and balance that those born in October usually have.
Cosmos flowers usually bloom from the beginning of summer until the end of autumn and are like full sun. They can be found in various soil types but prefer soil with good drainage.
Interesting Fact: Cosmos is a well-known cut flower due to its longevity in the vase.
learn more about: October birth flowers types
November Birth Flower
November Primary Birth Flower: Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemums, commonly called “mums,” are perennial plants known for their vibrantly colored, spectacular flowers. The flowers have been in cultivation for over 2500 years, primarily in China in China, which was where they were cultivated to benefit both their medicinal and decorative properties. Later they were introduced to Japan and became an emblem of Japan. Chrysanthemums were later introduced across North America and Europe and became the most sought-after flowers for florists and gardens.
Chrysanthemums symbolize love, friendship, and joy while capturing the friendly and warm characteristics of those born around November.
The blooms typically last between late summer and late autumn. Their flowers can last for many weeks. They are a fan of the full sunshine and well-drained soil. They are comparatively easy to maintain.
Interesting Fact: In Japan, Chrysanthemums are a symbol of the emperor as well as the family of the imperial and are prominently displayed within the Imperial Seal and the Imperial Throne.
November Secondary Birth Flower: Peony
Peonies, scientifically called Paeonia, is an adored flowering plant known for its big beautiful, fragrant, and lush flowers. They have an extended culture that dates back more than 2,000 years. In the beginning, in China, peonies were sought-after for their medicinal and ornamental benefits. They were later transported into North America and Europe, where they became a popular garden plant.
Peonies symbolize honor, prosperity, and love, expressing the vibrant and genuine spirit of those born in November.
Peonies are available in shades like white, pink, and red. They bloom from late spring through the beginning of summer. Peonies thrive best in full sunlight and well-drained soils, which makes them a popular choice for gardens and landscaping.
Interesting Fact: Peonies live longevity; some species can live as long as 100 years.
learn more about: November birth flowers types
December Birth Flower
December Primary Birth Flower: Narcissus (Paperwhites)
Paperwhites also referred to as Narcissus Tazetta, are bulbs of perennials that produce tiny delicate white flowers that have an appealing scent. The foliage is slender and grassy, making it an ideal container gardening option. The Paperwhites plant is native to the Mediterranean, specifically the Iberian Peninsula. They have been grown for a long time and became popular in Victorian times due to their attractiveness and easy cultivation.
Paperwhites represent hope, rebirth, and new beginnings representing the new beginnings and hopefulness of the close season.
They usually bloom during the winter months or in early spring. They like the bright, indirect light. They do best in well-drained soil.
Interesting Fact: Paperwhites are frequently kept indoors during holiday displays.
December Secondary Birth Flower: Holly
Holly is an evergreen tree with lush dark green leaves and bright, red-colored berries. The plant has small white flowers that are not noticeable in spring. Holly originates from Europe, North Africa, and Asia. It was extensively used as a plant for decoration and was highly valued by the antiquated Romans because of its beautiful appearance and symbolic value.
Holly symbolizes happiness, protection, and goodwill. It represents the festive spirit and happiness.
Holly usually blooms in spring. It prefers full shade or even part shade. It thrives in well-drained soil.
Interesting Fact: Holly is dioecious, meaning each plant produces gender-neutral flowers. Female plants grow vibrant red berries.
learn more about: December birth flowers types
Closing Thoughts
In the intricate tapestry of nature’s beauty, birth month flowers stand as exquisite symbols, weaving personal stories into the fabric of our lives. As we traverse the calendar, each month reveals a distinct blossom that captures the essence of that time, resonating with the unique qualities and aspirations of individuals born within its embrace. These floral companions, nurtured by the changing seasons, mirror our growth and evolution. They offer a profound connection to the natural world and a means of expression, allowing us to communicate sentiments and emotions without words. Birth month flowers bridge the gap between the tangible and the ethereal, representing life’s journey’s delicate fragility and enduring strength. In gifting or admiring these blossoms, we honor the interconnectedness of all living things and the splendid diversity that defines our existence. As flowers unfurl their petals, our lives unfold each month, blossoming with renewed purpose and vitality.