Birthstones by Month

Purpose of Birthstones

The birthstones we currently identify with particular months were only sometimes utilized hundreds of years ago. A stone’s color used to be considered to be its most significant characteristic; hence, for example, there was little semantic difference between a garnet and a ruby. The names given to stones in the past might not correspond to the stones we think of now when we hear their names. What we now know as lapis was probably once called sapphire. Most likely, the diamonds were white sapphire or topaz. Birthstone jewelry is believed to bring protection, good health, and luck. Ancient astrologers thought that some gemstones had mystical properties.

Traditional and Modern Birthstones

The list of ancient or traditional birthstones is well-known in the United States, originating in 16t and 18th centuries in Poland. The modern list of birthstones was then introduced by the National Association of Jewelers in 1912. The difference between the traditional and contemporary lists is that the current list includes only transparent gems. This most likely made it simpler for jewelers to design “mother’s rings,” which showcase the birthstones of a woman’s kids in a way that aligns more with contemporary trends. (Consider attempting to make a ring out of a diamond, a turquoise cabochon, a faceted diamond, and an emerald. Jewelers still add new possibilities to the list of current birthstones. For instance, recent additions include spinel, citrine, and tanzanite.

However, people are free to use both lists and can choose the stone that is more appealing to them, whether traditional or modern. Some traditional gems, like turquoise, are less expensive than modern ones, so if you want to save money, you can use a conventional type of birthstone. They are also more readily available, like cultivated pearls than their modern alternatives. Thus, some traditional stones are still prevalent. In this article, we will discuss traditional and alternative modern options, if any. First, let me provide you with a list of traditional and modern birthstones.

List of Traditional and Modern Birthstones

AugustSardonyxPeridot, Spinel
NovemberGolden Topaz



Lapis Lazuli

Blue Zircon

Blue Topaz



These traditional stones are described in the Israelite’s book of Exodus. However, these stones are different in different religions. Muslims have different beliefs regarding stones. Some believe stones cannot contribute to a person’s luck, while others think they can positively impact their lives. So, let’s discuss the given list of traditional and modern birthstones in detail.

Birthstones by month

January (Garnet)

January (Garnet)

The traditional and modern birthstone for January is garnet. Garnet, the birthstone for January, is said to protect its owner when they are traveling. Due to the gem’s resemblance to the color and shape of a pomegranate seed, the word “garnet” is derived from a term that means “seed.” Some also believe that it will protect them from any injury. This made them popular among warriors and royalty. It is found in almost every color, like red, purple, green, yellow, and orange. That’s why it is one of the complex gems. However, it isn’t easy to find transparent ones. It has several species and several varieties. You can use it in rings, necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.

February (Amethyst)

(February Amethyst)

Amethyst is also the same for the traditional and modern list of birthstones. “amethyst” derives from the Greek word amethysts, which means “sober. Amethyst, the birthstone for February, is thought to improve communication and offer the wearer bravery. Only royalty could wear the jewel in the past. The amethyst was believed to protect against intoxication by the ancient Greeks. It is also associated with spirituality, mental peace, and healing. Crystalline quartz in shades ranging from light lilac to dark reddish purple is amethyst. It has a hardness rating of 7 and is highly scratch-resistant. The birthstone for February is a lovely gem for any jewelry. It can also be used in rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

March (Aquamarine as Modern Birthstone)

March (Aquamarine as Modern Birthstone)

In early times, people thought that to recover from heart, liver, and stomach diseases, they needed to drink the water by soaking the aquamarine, the modern birthstone of March, in that water. Aquamarine is a Latin word that means “seawater.” Early sailors thought that aquamarine talismans bearing engravings of the sea god Neptune shielded them from the dangers of the ocean. It is blue to a blue-green member of the Beryl family. Some people link aquamarines to successful marriages and superior intelligence. It has a light color tone, so you will not see any dark blue or dark green color in it. You can use it in rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. It is readily available and affordable, so that anyone can buy it.

March (Bloodstone as Traditional Birthstone)

March ( Bloodstone as Traditional Birthstone

The bloodstone, a dark green gemstone with scarlet flecks, is the traditional birthstone for March. People believe it helps them boost power, grant invisibility, and maintain youth and health. The best bloodstone gems are typically considered solid green in hue with clearly discernible red veins. It is available in various forms and cuts, including classic emerald, oval, and cushion designs. Although bloodstone lacks aquamarine’s obvious beauty, many people treasure it for its symbolic meaning and other qualities. It can be used in earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and rings.

April (Diamond)

April ( Diamond)

The diamond, the birthstone for April, has long been associated with courage and is a symbol of unending love. It is the most beautiful ring stone in the world. Although it is expensive, its qualities are worth the cost. It is the hardest of all the gems and is durable. It is commonly used in engagements and wedding ring designs. Most diamonds are colorless to express an entire rainbow of colors. Fancy color diamonds are available for all preferences and occasions. It is not meant to be used only in rings, but you can also use them in earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Due to all these qualities, it is the same in the traditional and modern lists.

May (Emerald)

May ( Emerald)

Emerald is also the same for the traditional and modern list of birthstones. It has been linked to love, rebirth, and fertility for a long time. The ancient Romans even dedicated this stone to Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Emeralds are now considered to represent wisdom, allows to think objectively, prosperity, and patience. Some also believe it will enable them to predict the future and helps the healing process. It is a traditional gem found chiefly in deep green color, which is among the big four gems that include diamond, ruby, and sapphire. It belongs to the Beryl family. You can use it in rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

June (Pearl as Traditional Birthstone)

June (Pearl as Traditional Birthstone)

Pearl is the modern birthstone of the month, June. Only pearls can be discovered in living things, including saltwater and freshwater mollusks. However, most pearls available in the market are cultivated or cultured because original pearls are rarely general. They require special care, but they look outstanding in jewelry. Another quality of pearls is that they can be colored. It is available in black, green, gold, silver, and many more colors. Pearls are associated with wisdom, courage, purity, and honesty. People also believe pearls are tears shed from heaven, and some people also place pearls in the graves of their loved ones.

June (Alexandrite as Modern Birthstone)

June ( Alexandrite as Modern Birthstone)

It is a dramatic color-changing gem that has two types. Whitney Alexandrite displays green-blue color in daylight and raspberry color in the dark, and the other one is Sauer Alexandrite. If you love change, then this traditional gem is for you. It also promotes growth and balances one’s mind and emotions. It is also associated with good fortune, calming soul, blood circulation, and emotional healing.

July (Ruby)

July( Ruby)

They are traditional, exceptionally durable, and expensive jewelry stones. They are primarily red, which shows love and passion. However, you can also find them in pink and orange colors. It is known as the king of gems and is believed to protect its wearer from evil. It is also connected with your physical strength and stamina and can also be used to calm your anger.

Read more : July Birthstones

August (Peridot as Modern Birthstone)

August ( Peridot as Modern Birthstone)

It is a modern jewelry stone that people have used since ancient times. It is always green in color, although its shades variations depend on its source. It has a unique yellowish tone and sometimes brownish appearance too. It is mainly found in volcanic ashes. People believe that this stone will protect them at night from evil.

August (Sardonyx as Traditional Birthstone)

August (Sardonyx as Traditional Birthstone)

Sardonyx is a reddish gemstone with white bands made by alternate layering layers of sard and onyx, two varieties of the layered material chalcedony. In ancient times, soldiers wore it to protect themselves on the battlefield. These days, the gemstone for August is linked to bravery, joy, and practical discussions, offering stability to marriage and relationships.

Read more: August Birthstone

September (Sapphire)

September ( Sapphire)

It is a unique gemstone because of its brilliant blue hues and fantastic durability. Yet not every sapphire is blue. The birthstone for September comes in a variety of colors. They are all available in all rainbow colors except red. People believe that it protects them from physical harm and has medicinal qualities. It is also a highly spiritual stone. It symbolizes purity and wisdom too.

Read more: September Birthstone

October (Tourmaline as Modern Birthstone)

October (Tourmaline as Modern Birthstone

The more recent birthstone for October is tourmaline. Due to the frequent presence of several colors in a single crystal, the term is derived from the Sinhalese word toramalli, which means “stone with mixed colors.” This priceless jewel symbolizes knowledge, speech, understanding, and creativity. Blue-colored gemstones are generally said to stand for tranquility, stability, and calmness.

October (Opal as Traditional Birthstone)

October (Opal as Traditional Birthstone)

The most unique, different, and delicate birthstone needs special care. It has patterns inside it that differentiate them from others. It is associated with light, magic, invisibility, and good luck. Some also credited it for its healing properties, especially for eyes.

Read more: October Birthstone

November (Citrine as Modern Birthstone)

November (Citrine as Modern Birthstone)


It is in yellow to red-orange variety, durable, and readily available, making it more popular nowadays. It is associated with healing and happiness. It removes stomach aches and gives relief from stress.

November (Topaz as Traditional Birthstone)

November (Topaz as Traditional Birthstone)

The color spectrum of topaz is infinite. The birthstone for November is believed to offer calming powers and bestow warmth and luck upon the wearer.

December (Blue Topaz as Modern Birthstone)

December ( Blue Topaz as Modern Birthstone)


It comes out of earth colorless or pale blue. They are then treated in the laboratory to turn vivid greenish blue. Blue Topazes are not only beautiful but expensive too. They are associated with wealth.

December (Turquoise as Traditional Birthstone)


December ( Turquoise as Traditional Birthstone)

The birthstone for December is turquoise. It was one of the earliest jewels ever mined and has long been treasured for its striking and appealing color. It is associated with happiness, honesty, spirituality, strength, and creativity.

You know all the traditional and modern birthstones, so it’s up to you which one to choose. Both have their values and advantages, which can’t be denied. The only thing that matters is your preference.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is the primary purpose of birthstones?

Ans. Birthstone jewelry is believed to bring protection, good health, and luck. Ancient astrologers also thought that some gemstones had mystical properties.

Q. Is there any difference between the traditional and modern list of birthstones?

Ans. Yes, the National Association of Jewelers introduced the modern list of birthstones in 1912. The difference between the traditional and modern lists is that the current list includes only transparent gems.

Q. What is the traditional and modern birthstone of March?

Ans. The traditional birthstone of March is bloodstone, and the modern birthstone is aquamarine.

Q. The traditional birthstones of June and August are pearl and sardonyx, respectively. What are their modern birthstones?

Ans. The modern birthstone of June is Alexandrite, and that of August is Peridot.

Q. What is the similarity between citrine and topaz?

Ans. The birthstones for November are believed to offer calming powers and bestow warmth and luck upon the wearer.

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