July Birthstone: Ruby

Introduction to Ruby

Ruby is the traditional gemstone of July as well as the modern gemstone in the list of birthstones by month. Few gemstones can match the brilliant attraction of the ruby, the birthstone for July, when it comes to enticing gems. With its blazing red color and lengthy history, this stunning diamond has enthralled people for ages. The ruby has been used to adorn the crowns of kings and queens throughout history and has sparked the imaginations of poets and lovers alike. The ruby symbolizes strength, love, and the eternal force of beauty, with its vivid color and symbolic meaning. As we explore the exciting history, fascinating folklore, and enduring attraction of the July birthstone, we invite you to join us on a tour of its fascinating universe.

What is July Birthstone?

What is July Birthstone

Rubies are the July birthstone, and they have a fiery red color that is hot, warm, and vibrant. The Ruby is a summertime gem that comes in deep blood-red hues and is associated with powerful feelings like undying love and achievement.

This stone has a long, mysterious history that you may trace back to the Bible. It is now a coveted gem that is sought after for its vibrant color and symbolic meaning. The rarity and value of the gemstone are increased by the fact that finding a large-sized ruby is virtually impossible.

Numerous symbols signify a person’s birth month, including animals, birthstones, zodiac signs, and flowers. Cancer (born between July 1 and July 22) and Leo (born between July 23 and July 31) are the two astrological signs that can apply to people born in July. The larkspur and water lily also symbolize those born in July.

History of July Birthstone: Ruby

  • Records indicate that rubies may have been traded over the North Silk Road in China as early as 200 BC.
  • For hundreds of years, red-colored gems like garnet and red spinel were all regarded as rubies. Around 1800, it was discovered that the ruby was a type of corundum. The Black Prince’s ruby, a piece of the English royal jewels, is one of the biggest red spinels with gem quality.
  • It has traditionally been a prized stone for jewelry, beloved by European aristocracy and monarchy. Many medieval people wore rubies to symbolize good health, prosperity, knowledge, and love.
  • The 125West Ruby, a rough, rough-cut gemstone weighing more than 18,000 carats, is the largest ruby. One 8,500-carat carved ruby that resembles the Liberty Bell is on display.
  • In “The Wizard of Oz,” Dorothy said, “There’s no place like home,” as she stomped her ruby slippers to return to Kansas. The ruby shoes were designed to stand out against the yellow brick road and were constructed of sequins rather than actual rubies. In Washington, DC, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History has one pair in its collection.
  • In addition to being a highly prized jewel, rubies have been employed for several things, including lasers, medical equipment, and watchmaking.

Where can you Find Ruby?

Limestone and gemstone gravels are the sources of rough ruby stones worldwide. The world’s finest rubies are produced in Myanmar, formerly known as Burma. Powerfully transparent rubies with a deep red hue are also mined in Thailand. Other ruby mines exist in nations like Australia, Cambodia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, South Asia, India, Vietnam, Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi, Thailand, the United States, and Tanzania.

Rubrics develop their deep red color under extreme heat and pressure deep under the earth. Aluminum oxide and oxygen combine to form corundum during compression. Chromium aids in the transformation of corundum into a red ruby. The ruby turns pink or orange when it contains ferric iron. One of the rarest jewels in the world is the ruby. The Burmese ruby is the most occasional gem because of its superior quality and distinctive color. Beyond one carat, rubies are scarce and expensive.

The giant diamond ever found weighed 8.2 pounds and had 18,696 carats. The 8,500-carat Liberty Bell Ruby, shaped like the Liberty Bell, was another remarkable ruby. The Midnight Star Ruby weighs 116.75 carats, while the Long Star Ruby weighs 100.32.

Color of Ruby

color of ruby

The presence of the trace metal chromium gives rubies their red color. The color of rubies, a form of the mineral corundum, can range from a dark, rich cochineal to a lighter rose red. The UV rays from the sun cause the chromium to glow when exposed.

Ruby gemstones can also be orange, pink, or purple. Pigeon-blood red, a vivid red stone with a hint of purple, is the most valuable shade of ruby. The amount of chromium in the stone determines the intensity of red. The birthstone for September, the sapphire, is a variation of the mineral corundum. Corundum is colorless in its purest form, but all other color variants are called sapphires.

Meaning, Symbolism, and Myths of Ruby

Meaning, Symbolism, and Myths of Ruby

  • The Latin root of the term ruby is rubber, which means red. In Sanskrit, the ruby is called ratnaraj—king of the valuable stones.
  • Rubies have stood for love, security, and wealth for ages.
  • Ancient Chinese and Burmese warriors used the jewel as armor decoration to enhance protection during battle. Some even implant the jewels directly into their bodies to achieve invincibility.
  • The ruby has come to represent devotion and love. People believed previously it offered protection from bad luck and illness.
  • Ancient societies prized the gem because they thought it contained the power of life because of its relationship with blood. Additionally, it is said to reduce bleeding and inflammation and boost body heat.
  • Ancient Hindus thought that if they sacrificed rubies to the god Krishna, he would grant them a second chance at life as an emperor.
  • Long ago, people in India believed that having rubies would allow them to coexist peacefully with their foes. People thought wearing a ruby near your heart would enable you to live peacefully.
  • Some folklore connected rubies to an unquenchable flame that could burn through clothes and be used to boil water.
  • Traditionally, couples celebrate their 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries with gifts of rubies.

July Birthstone: Ruby’s Jewelry

July Birthstone Ruby's Jewelry

Ruby gems are the second-hardest naturally occurring gemstones, behind diamonds, according to the Mohs scale, with a grade of 9.0. Jewellery has long contained rubies, including ruby birthstone rings, earrings, necklaces, pendants, and bracelets. Because of inclusions, rubies occasionally exhibit a star effect.

Keeping jewelry in a soft cloth or padded container would prevent scratches. Warm, sudsy water and a soft towel work best for cleaning jewelry made with rubies.

Cost of Ruby

The grade and carat weight of ruby significantly impacts its price. A ruby gemstone may cost as little as $1 or as much as $100,000 per carat. However, most rubies weighing one carat cost $1,000 per carat. The price for rubies with excellent color, cut, clarity, and carat weight rises rapidly. The Sunrise Ruby, which weighed 25 carats and sold for more than $1 million per carat, is the costliest ruby ever sold.

Care and Cleaning of Ruby

Care and Cleaning of Ruby

It would help if you did not clean rubies with acids like lemon juice because doing so could harm the gemstone. Warm, soapy water is the best and safest method for cleaning jewelry with rubies. Whether your rubies are heat-treated and untreated or lattice diffusion-treated stones, steam cleaners can clean them safely. It would help if you only used a moist towel to clean specific ruby stones, such as cavities, fractures, or colored gemstones.

The majority of rubies are incredibly sturdy and resilient. Notably, both heat-treated and untreated rubies have a very long lifespan. The fracture-filled stones category includes surface-reaching cracks filled with glass with high lead content. These specific rubies need extra care, and exposure to various substances could result in harm. You might even see moderate substances like lemon juice can harm glass with a high lead concentration. Your July birthstone can be cleaned and cared for using the following simple steps:

  • Add warm water and a few drops of liquid soap to a small bowl.
  • The gemstone should be placed in the dish and left to soak for 15 to 20 minutes. Pile only a few stones inside the bowl.
  • Now carefully scrub the gemstone with a toothbrush with soft bristles to remove dirt. Be careful not to scrub too vigorously or accidentally go too deep and loosen the ruby.
  • Give the gemstone one final swish in the water to remove any last bits of dirt.
  • Repeat steps 1 through 4 with a fresh bowl of warm, soapy water if the ruby still appears unclean.
  • The ruby gemstones should be dried using a lint-free cloth. Allow it to air dry on the fabric completely.
  • Using the information below, you can better care for your ruby stones and ensure they last for many years.

Concluding Remarks about July Birthstone

As we end with our investigation of the radiant ruby, the birthstone for July, we are left with a strong appreciation for its enduring beauty and significant symbolism. This gemstone has captured the hearts of many throughout history with its striking red color and extraordinary endurance. The flaming attraction of the ruby has persisted as a representation of ardor, strength, and protection throughout history and in modern design. The ruby continues to inspire amazement and wonder, whether it is gracing a delicate piece of jewelry or a magnificent crown. Let us acknowledge the enduring fascination of the ruby and its capacity to stoke the flame of admiration in our hearts as we honor the people who were born in July.

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