Getting a nose piercing is a problematic thing. We may face many problems after getting our nose pierced. It is common and causes many problems, for instance, lack of proper care.

A bumpy look created after your skin grows back is Keloid Lump or Keloid, and fortunately, it can be treated, and your piercing can go back to normal. Finding out that something is wrong with your piercing is kind of frustrating because such an issue can cause pain and make the person uncomfortable. After all, the nose is a highly sensitive part.

Our body takes time to adjust to a new nose piercing. It may react during the initial stages, which can cause further complications. READ BELOW to learn the reason for the skin growth over the piercing.


A few reasons cause skin growth over the piercing or sinking of piercing into the skin. One thing that might cause this thing to happen is the improper piercing method. While getting your nose pierced is an improper method of piercing, so make sure the place you choose for piercing relies on proper and clean methods that involve sterilization and sanitization.

Checking out piercers’ reviews and experience in this field is also important because not everyone can perform it correctly. It is also possible that the piercing artist finished the job quickly, which caused your skin to grow over the piercing.

Poor maintenance can also be the reason for these complications. Nose piercing doesn’t involve a proper maintenance process but taking care of it is essential, especially during the early stages.

Usage of the wrong cleaning product can also cause this problem; you may have used uncleaned and improper products that might have caused your skin to grow. Cleaning the nose piercing and the area surrounding the nose piercing can cause an infection that might be very frustrating for you.

Body rejection is also common when you are getting your nose pierced. Our body will not let the piercing get healed because of body rejection, and that will lead to skin growth over the piercing.

Our immune system will work quickly for the reproduction of cells to fill up the piercing, and our immune system sees it as a threat of infection. This can become severe and something you cannot avoid.

You may have to get rid of the jewelry and seek professional medical help, depending upon the severity of your skin growth on the piercing.

When the piercing gets contaminated, it badly affects the area surrounding the piercing and can lead to further complications.

But how can your nose piercing suffer from contamination? Your piercing can get contaminated when you are constantly touching the area surrounding the piercing with dirty hands. It is surely irresistible to stop rubbing the area, but you should never touch the piercing, especially with dirty hands.


Prevention of such conditions is impossible as these conditions are unavoidable. This is especially; if you are experiencing an embedding in which the body does not accept the piercing on your skin.

Few things can be done to prevent such issues;


Not keeping the area clean can develop extra skin over the piercing, especially during the early stages of healing. This can easily be prevented by cleaning your piercing with proper soap and water solution, and essential oil can also be used for a smoother cleanse.

It is also necessary to pat the area dry after washing properly. Avoid touching the area surrounding the piercing, and if you tend to touch so, make sure to touch it with clean hands. Never let anyone else touch your piercing unless your piercer has to.


People who are more likely to sleep on their stomachs may have to change their sleeping position because sleeping on your stomach may put extra pressure on the piercing.

Infection and temporary pain shall be caused, so it is best if you lie on your back or sleep sideways so that your face would not be rubbed against a pillow.


To prevent infection and contamination, a salt soak can be the best thing you can do to speed up the healing process. All you have to do is make a salt soak and soak a paper towel in the mixture. Apply some on your piercing at least once a day. This can speed up your healing process and restrict further complications.


In your search for the best piercer, you may come across many piercing studios, so it is best to take your time and select a professional with suitable experience. Make sure to select the piercer who has proper knowledge of nose anatomy and piercings.

Furthermore, it is also advisable to check the reviews and learn if they follow proper sterilization and cleaning processes. You are bound to experience problems like skin growing if your piercer is too harsh or has poor hygiene.


Swelling and sinking of nose piercing are quite common. They can occur together as well as separately. Due to the skin inflammation, you will experience swelling in the area surrounding the piercing for the first few days, and it is quite common.

You must consult a piercer or medical advisor if you feel your piercing is swollen or infected and that does not go away within a week. You may notice redness and experience discomfort when your piercing gets swollen.

You may not feel the pain when your piercing starts to sink into your skin, and you can see if your piercing is sinking by pushing your nose outward from the inside.

If your nose piercing is sinking, you must cater to this problem as soon as possible before it worsens. Getting a new piercing when your older one is sinking is necessary. You must take care of your nose piercing to prevent this from happening.


It is one of the most exciting moments of your life when you are getting your nose pierced, and it surely is a good decision as this helps you to achieve a trendier and edgy look.

But, it is advisable not to get bummed out if you start to experience different problems with your nose piercing because such problems are quite common and unavoidable, so you must get yourself to be prepared to face all these problems.

For that, you must take effective care and make sure to consult your piercer or doctor if you notice anything suspicious or different with your nose piercing before complications grow severe.


What are few reasons for the skin growth over the piercing?

ANS. Improper piercing methods, poor maintenance, usage of wrong cleaning products, and body rejections are some of the few reasons that cause skin growth over the piercing.

How can you prevent skin growth over the piercing?

ANS. Skin growth over the piercing is quite common and unavoidable. It can be prevented by keeping the area surrounding the piercing clean and using salt soak for cleansing purpose. This might help you to prevent this problem.

How can you tell if your piercing is sinking or its just swollen?

ANS. Due to skin inflammation, your piercing swells, and your skin gets red, and you feel uncomfortable, but when your piercing is sinking, your skin does not get red, and you do not feel pain. The sinking of the piercing can be checked by pushing your nose outward from the inside.

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