Is Getting Industrial Piercing Dangerous for You?

With 12% of males and 72% of women having body piercing, industrial piercings are becoming increasingly popular. Making the appropriate choice for your industrial piercing is now more essential than ever because of the growth in body piercing use.

What Exactly is Industrial Piercing?

The popularity of industrial piercings is increasing. They are a particular kind of piercing applied to the ear instead of using a single hole. They make use of two spots that pass through the ear cartilage. The barbell connecting these two holes gives the appearance that a short bar runs all across the top of the ear from one spot to the other.

You have the option of having your industrial piercings placed vertically. They go into the top of the ear, or something similar, even though they often run over the top of the ear.

The bar usually contains a ball on either end (on the opposite side of the hole). It is used to prevent the bar from coming off and slipping out of the holes.

Industrial piercing has frequently been linked to punk fashion, but as body piercings in general, cartilage piercings in particular. They are becoming more generally recognized. They are much less edgy and more of a cute and distinct addition to any cartilage party.

Does Industrial Piercing Hurt?

Industrial piercing shouldn’t hurt more than regular cartilage piercings because they are just two different types. There will be a little more sensitivity because you will have two piercings done immediately rather than one at a time.

However, it won’t affect it too much as it’s being pierced. But the first weeks of recovery will be a little more unpleasant.

Primary Risks Linked with Industrial Piercing

Most piercings would cause pain or discomfort during the process and while the wound is healing. They might make them seem dangerous to some people. What about commercial piercing, though? Many piercings are more hazardous than others. Is it harmful?

Let’s examine a few of the main risks associated with an industrial piercing:

  • Because the industrial piercing has two holes rather than one, it needs twice as much care, washing, and healing. This means that there are more possibilities of difficulties or something going wrong!
  • The piercing can cause significant bleeding and will take longer to heal because it is made on the ear cartilage rather than the skin. (But don’t worry, the bleeding won’t be too extreme to harm you seriously.)
  • Because there are two holes but only one piercing, many people are inclined to treat them as one and skip the complete healing process. At the same time, both spots are still partially open, in those other words. This piercing increases the chance of poor healing.

Top 4 Things to Know About Industrial Piercings

The following are the four most important things to know before obtaining an industrial piercing:

#1: Pain

Given the position of the piercing, an institutional piercing will hurt. However, you might not feel discomfort if you have intense pain tolerance. Additionally, you could discover that sleeping is exceptionally unpleasant.

#2: Sickness

When you feel under the weather, avoiding industrial piercings is a good idea. When you are sick, the treatment will be much more unpleasant. You have the chance of contracting an infection or suffering other adverse effects.

#3: Aftercare Instructions

While pain and bleeding may or may not present, it is essential to follow the aftercare requirements to prevent infection and speed the healing process. During the first few weeks, you should not touch your piercings. Therefore, you need always clean your hands when cleaning an industrial piercing.

#4: Recovery Requires Time

The industrial piercing won’t heal on its own. Be patient as the process occurs. You should be able to accelerate the healing process, all while reducing discomfort and pain if you remain on top of the cleaning and care procedures. Examining how well you have previously recovered from cartilage problems would be best.

Does Industrial Piercing Bring Itchiness?

You will experience itching during the healing process of any bodily injury or damage, including tattoos, piercings, and other dents. This is essentially inevitable and a thoroughly distinctive aspect of the healing process.

The accumulation of dead skin that rises to the surface even as the wound heals causes the healing area to start itching. It is crucial to avoid itching the piercing when it itches because it irritates the site and makes the stitch more. They raise the chance of infection or improper healing.

Therefore, clean the piercing if the itching is too much to bear. Run water through it, or rinse it in the shower. Therefore, this will remove the excessive skin cells and should help reduce the itching.

Does Industrial Piercing Smell Bad?

Your industrial piercing may sometimes have a bad smell. (Like, terrible. But don’t worry. All piercings are sensitive to this, and it’s a normal part of the recovery process.

Your body is secreting sebum from the sebaceous glands in the skin. That is why piercings may smell unpleasant. This lubrication and waterproof substance is an oily material. This is a regular thing that is related to bodily processes. So why does the sharp smell terrible as a result?

Well, whenever the sebum combines with the bacteria and the dead skin cells around the piercing (while it is healing). Therefore, it rapidly changes into an awful discharge that is semi-solid.

Final Verdict:

The structure of your ear significantly impacts how an industrial piercing looks. Your abilities to accept industrial piercing may be limited if you have a smaller ear.

Suppose you know that you won’t be perfect at aftercare procedures. You could also choose a more straightforward healing process because you must repair two piercings equally. Therefore, a first piercing might not be the best choice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Who shouldn’t get an industrial piercing?

Avoiding industrial piercings is generally a good idea when you’re under the weather. Being sick makes the process much more painful and increases your chances of contracting an infection or experiencing other adverse effects.

Does an industrial piercing ever completely heal?

According to Kelly, a full recovery from an industrial piercing takes six to twelve months. The good news is that it will be healed enough to replace your jewellery after around three months.

What age is appropriate for receiving an industrial piercing?

Goode suggests avoiding piercings of the second earlobe only until most minor age 10, the cartilage until age 13, the navel, lips, and nostrils until age 14, the tragus until age 15, and the industrial piercings until age 17 or 18.

Can your body reject a piercing for work?

Your skin will eventually split open to let the piercing out as your body forces it to the surface. Diseases, keloids, and dermatitis are other piercing issues that don’t occur as frequently as a rejection of piercings. When rejections do occur, it typically occurs in a body part with a flat surface.

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