Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Recovery – 6 Ways

When you’re struggling with ear tube pain, you’re probably asking how to treat Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD). Fortunately, several treatments are available to help patients suffering from ETD.

They include home treatments and medication for less severe cases, such as medical procedures for persistent Eustachian tube dysfunction.

However, Eustachian tube balloon dilation has proven to be the most effective in giving long-term relief from chronic and recurrent Eustachian tube problems.

Let’s look at some treatment alternatives for Eustachian tube problems!

Who Can Eustachian dysfunction Affect Your Health?

Children are more likely than people to suffer from Eustachian tube problems.

FACT: To put it into perspective, the illness affects around 1% of the adult population. However, 70% of children have Eustachian tube dysfunction by the age of seven!

Variations and Time Limits of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

There are various kinds of Eustachian tube dysfunction. Patulous ETD, obstructive ETD, and baro-challenge-induced ETD are the most prevalent.

Types of Eustachian tube dysfunctionIts Causes on Health
Baro-challenge-induced ETDBaro-challenge-induced ETD, like obstructive ETD, develops when your Eustachian tubes do not work correctly. Therefore, the difference would be that symptoms of baro-challenge-induced ETD appear only when altitude changes.
Patulous ETDYour Eustachian tubes are always open. This can cause sound to pass from your nasal cavities to your ears. This causes your speech to sound distorted.
Obstructive ETDYour Eustachian tubes do not open properly. As a result, fluid develops in the ear, causing pain or pressure.

6 Top Treatments to Cure Eustachian Tube Dysfunction:

We all like to treat health issues by following effective treatment. Further, we will discuss the top 6 treatments to cure Eustachian tube dysfunction.


Fluids can accumulate behind the eardrum and become trapped because the Eustachian tubes are defective. Doctors may make a tiny cut in the eardrum to aid fluid drainage in such situations.

People who suffer from severe ETD on a regular basis may require pressure equalization (PE) tubes. These are implants that help to balance ear pressure and lower the probability of middle ear infections. However, it is a frequent procedure for children; it can also be used on adults.

Home remedies:

If your ETD symptoms are affecting you, some simple home treatments may assist. Minor ETD symptoms, including those caused by changes in altitude or air pressure, can be relieved by chewing gum or producing a yawn.

Some people find that the symptoms of minor ETD decrease as they swallow, so drinking a beverage or eating a snack may be beneficial. Therefore, these therapies reduce pressure by opening and closing the Eustachian tube.

The Valsalva movement can also be beneficial. This entails the trusted source pinching the nose shut while closing the mouth and blowing into it. On an airplane, this can also assist with ear pressure.

Steroid nasal spray:

If an allergy or another cause of persistent nasal irritation is suspected, a steroid nasal spray may be suggested. It works by lowering nose irritation. A steroid spray’s full effect requires a few days to develop.

As a result, you will not experience immediate relief of symptoms when you initially begin using it. However, if the inflammation in the back of the nose is minimized, the Eustachian tube can function more effectively.

Myringotomy (ear tube placement):

If the fluid in your middle ear does not drain properly, it will block the Eustachian tube, increasing your symptoms.

During this outpatient ENT surgery, we create a small incision in the eardrum and implant a pressure adjustment tube to allow fluid to exit.

As a result, it helps with persistent earaches and Eustachian tube problems. As the eardrum heals, the tubes fall out all on their own. In addition, we offer ENT surgery in our offices for adult tube insertion!

OTC options:

If allergens are causing Eustachian tube irritation, over-the-counter allergy medicines may be used. Antihistamines like diphenhydramine (Benadryl) or cetirizine (Zyrtec, Aller-Tec, Alleroff) can help with asthma symptoms and ear infections.

OTC pain medicines like acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) can help with ear pain. Make sure you carefully follow the dose requirements.

Before that use these medications, check with your doctor to determine whether they interact with any other medications you may be taking.

Conventional methods:

Your doctor may prescribe an antibiotic if you have an illness. This can be given by ear drops, oral tablets, or both. In severe cases of inflammation, oral corticosteroids may be utilized.

Severe ETD cases may necessitate more surgical treatments. Some people have pressure equalization tubes (PETs) implanted to deal with frequent or chronic middle ear infections and to equalize ear pressure.

If the Eustachian tube also isn’t functioning properly, built-up fluids may also have to be released. However, this is performed by making a small cut in the eardrum to allow fluid to drain.

Final Verdict:

ETD is common, but the majority of cases resolve with little or no assistance. The most effective way to manage and prevent recurring ETD symptoms is to deal with the underlying cause.

Children and adults, who experience symptoms that interfere with their daily life, as well as those who have chronic ETD symptoms, should see a doctor to discuss more comprehensive therapy. Your doctor will check you and interview you about your symptoms. Your ear canals and eardrums, and also your nasal passages, as well as the back of your throat, will be examined.


What might I expect if I have Eustachian tube dysfunction?

The good news is that ETD is usually mild. However, the related symptoms might be unpleasant and uncomfortable. Talk to your doctor about how to manage your disease and enhance your quality of life.

What is the duration of Eustachian tube dysfunction?

The dysfunction of the Eustachian tube normally resolves in one to two weeks. Chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction can cause symptoms to last for weeks, months, or even years.

What happens if you don’t treat Eustachian tube dysfunction?

Ear injuries and trauma have been linked to chronic Eustachian tube dysfunction. Untreated ETD can result in hearing loss and irreversible damage to your eardrum and middle ear in rare situations. That is why immediate therapy is required.

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