Remedies for Piles

Introduction to Piles

Hemorrhoids, sometimes referred to as piles, are a widespread medical problem that impacts millions of individuals worldwide. It is characterized by enlarged veins in the rectal region that make bowel motions painful, uncomfortable, and prone to bleeding. Numerous conditions, including chronic constipation, obesity, pregnancy, and prolonged sitting or standing, might contribute to the problem. Fortunately, several treatments are available to lessen piles symptoms and enhance the general quality of life.

Adopting a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and frequent exercise is one of the best treatments for piles. This can encourage regular bowel motions and lessen constipation, a significant pile risk factor. Furthermore, topical medications, including lotions, ointments, and suppositories, help ease discomfort and itching. Home remedies for inflammation and discomfort reduction include sitz baths, cold packs, and witch hazel compresses. Medical procedures like surgery, sclerotherapy, and rubber band ligation may be necessary in severe cases.

This article will examine numerous piles remedies and offer practical advice on efficiently handling the disease.

Types of Piles

Types of Piles

Internal piles

Although frequently arise from your anus, these piles develop inside the anal cavity. Depending on how much they come out, this type of piles can be further classified:

First degree

The pile may bleed in this situation but does not come from the anus.

Second Degree

In the second degree, it emerges with a bowel movement but later returns inside.


It occasionally comes out, but if you gently press it, it will go back within.

Fourth degree

You can’t push them within because they are halfway outside your aneurysm. They may grow and become quite painful if a blood clot forms inside the tumor.

External piles

These develop beneath the anal canal, close to the anus. If there are blood clots inside the lumps, they may be uncomfortable.

Prolapsed Piles

Internal and external hemorrhoids can prolapsed, which means they can stretch and enlarge outside the anus. These hemorrhoids could bleed or be uncomfortable.

Causes of Piles

Your anus’s veins can expand or extend due to pressure on them. Increased pressure in the lower rectum can cause piles if:

  • Straining when going to the toilet
  • Prolonged periods spent using the toilet
  • Experiencing persistent diarrhea or constipation
  • Getting overweight
  • Having anal relations
  • Being pregnant
  • Eating a diet low in fiber
  • Consistent heavy lifting

Symptoms of Piles

Symptoms of Piles

  • Itching in an anal region
  • Anal area pain, especially after prolonged sitting
  • One or more bumps around your anus that are firm and tender
  • Your rectus is bleeding. Bright red blood can be seen after a bowel movement on the toilet paper, in the toilet bowl, or on the stool.
  • Discomfort or pain while passing stools

Home Remedies for Piles

Here are some of the most common and effective home remedies to relieve the symptoms of piles:

Warm Bath with Epsom Salt

Sitting in a tub of warm water that is just tall enough to cover the legs may help lessen the swelling and irritation resulting from piles. To further ease symptoms, some people decide to add other items to the bath. Small amounts of Epsom salt or apple cider vinegar are possible ingredients. Others opt to apply apple cider vinegar straight to the hemorrhoids, which could make the swollen skin even more itchy and sting.

Witch Hazel

Piles are readily irritated and inflamed, so people should be careful what they put on or close to them. Witch hazel is frequently used topically to treat external hemorrhoids. The astringent property of natural witch hazel causes tissue to contract. It also possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics. Witch hazel is well renowned for minimizing bruises. Many symptoms may be relieved by dabbing a cotton ball with pure witch hazel after adding a tiny amount to it. If doing this worsens the symptoms, folks should consider a less drastic solution. Witch hazel should not be diluted with alcohol since this can cause it to dry up and lose effectiveness. Moreover, it will make the condition of the pile worse.

Aloe Vera

Piles, as well as skin disorders, are frequently treated with aloe vera gel. It is believed to possess anti-inflammatory qualities that could help lessen discomfort. Only a little clinical proof exists that aloe vera gel works well for Piles. However, it is considered highly safe to topical. Other goods like sunscreen or lotion may have aloe vera gel as a component. However, since different ingredients and additions can irritate hemorrhoids, you should only use pure aloe vera gel on piles.

Additionally, you can extract the inside of an aloe plant’s leaves to obtain pure aloe vera gel. Aloe vera can cause allergies in some people, especially those allergic to onions or garlic. Use the following procedures to check for an allergic reaction:

  • Give your forearm a dime-sized amount to rub.
  • Take a day or two to wait.
  • It should be safe to use if no response takes place.

Coconut Oil

The study has shown that coconut oil contains potent anti-inflammatory effects that help reduce swelling and inflammation. Piles can cause discomfort, but it’s analgesic, which means pain-relieving; this characteristic can assist in lessening it. Its antimicrobial features help piles recover more quickly. The laxative properties of coconut oil may ease constipation. This can aid in treating and preventing piles because constipation or straining during bowel movements is a common cause. Regular use of coconut oil or external applications of coconut oil is two ways to treat piles. Cooking, bathing, and treating external piles with cotton balls are just a few of the uses for the oil.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil, which is naturally antimicrobial, may help with discomfort, itching, and pain alleviation. It may also help in the fight against bacteria that could otherwise infect skin that has been irritated or wounded. There needs to be more research on tea tree oil’s ability to treat piles. Still, one 2012 study found that a 2-week piles treatment combining tea tree oil, hyaluronic acid, and methyl-sulfonyl-methane which is often used to treat arthritis, significantly reduced pain, bleeding, and inflammation when compared to a placebo. Combine tea tree oil with additional natural medicines like witch hazel or aloe for more help.

Applying Ice Packs

Ice or cold packs applied to the pile may also help reduce discomfort and swelling. While seated or when the pile flares up, an ice pack might assist in numb pain and momentarily minimize swelling. People should be cautious about wrapping the ice in a tiny towel to prevent skin harm. Carry out the same method every hour, leaving the ice pack on for 15 minutes.

Smoothing Wipes

Using toilet paper right after a bowel movement can aggravate existing piles. You may keep yourself clean using moistened wipes without further irritating your skin. Another choice is to use anti-hemorrhoid wipes with soothing ingredients like witch hazel or aloe vera. Make sure the wipes you select don’t include alcohol, perfume, or any other irritants. Instead of easing piles symptoms, these medications may aggravate them.

Over-the-Counter (OTC) Remedies for Piles

Here are a few over-the-counter (OTC) medications to alleviate piles symptoms.

OTC lotions

Preparation H and other over-the-counter ointments and lotions are widely available and provide quick relief. Some may help your pile heal more quickly by reducing swelling. However, if you use a hydrocortisone-containing cream, use it for a week at maximum.

Stool softeners

The study found that fiber supplements like psyllium or stool softeners could:

  • To lessen constipation
  • To facilitate rapid, painless bowel motions
  • Soften the stool.

Many of these stool softeners are ingested one to three times daily and come in forms, including powders, capsules, and liquids.

You do some other things to avoid pain and discomfort due to piles disease. These lifestyle changes will reduce the risk of developing piles:

Loose cotton clothing

Swap tight, polyester clothing for breathable cotton, especially cotton pants, to keep the anal area clean and dry. This may minimize the signs and infection risk in open sores or raw, damaged skin. Avoid using fabric softeners and scented detergents to reduce irritation.


A fantastic technique to effectively control piles symptoms is to exercise at home. Long-term treatment for piles may involve performing frequent pelvic floor exercises. You can more easily evacuate your bowels by making your pelvic floor muscles stronger.

Good Sleep and Stress management

Making a conscious effort to unwind and efficiently handle stress has an indirect but significant impact on controlling good bowel habits. Getting enough sleep at night aids in the maintenance of digestive health and the same. This then promotes simple bowel movements.


It should go without saying that drinking enough water and other nutritious liquids, such as fruit juices, helps to keep your bowels from becoming too dry. When your body adequately hydrates, your digestive system begins to function better, allowing you to go to the toilet with less effort.

Fiber-rich diet

Eating a balanced diet high in soluble and insoluble fiber will help you have regular bowel movements. Because insoluble fiber gives your stools more volume, you won’t have to exert as much effort when passing them. Additionally, fiber is proven to support a healthy gut.

Try to Limit your Sitting Time

Long periods of sitting, especially while using the toilet, might put more strain on the anus veins.

Avoid Strain

When you control your breathing and struggle to evacuate a stool, pressure in the veins in the lower rectum increases. Therefore you need to avoid strain.

Final Remarks

Before beginning any treatment, it is imperative to consult a doctor, especially if the symptoms are severe or chronic. Early detection and intervention can reduce complications and enhance results. Above given remedies and some lifestyle changes will help you get rid of pain from piles.

Click to learn about remedies for hernia.

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