Neck pain and Back Pain Relief Exercises


Neck pain and back pain are mostly linked to each other especially upper back pain. You will feel both at the same time. Stretches and exercise can offer relief from neck and back pain, but it’s important to assess pain levels first. People frequently complain of neck and back pains, especially those who work long hours at a desk or engage in physically demanding activities. A person’s quality of life can be greatly impacted by pain in various places, which can also result in discomfort, limited movement, and even chronic disorders. The good news is that several exercises can lessen neck and back pain, enhance posture, and promote flexibility. In this post, we’ll look at some of the best exercises for reducing neck and back pain and talk about how to include them in your daily routine for the best results.

Warm-up before Exercises

Most people miss the most important step before doing any kind of exercise, and that is stretching. They need to warm up their body before doing exercises for any body part and muscle. Walking, jogging, or jogging could be a good way to warm up your body. Warm up your muscles with some dynamic exercises before beginning your workout. Static stretching is best saved until after your workout. So here is the procedure for performing exercises.

Step 1. Dynamic Stretching

Step 2. Exercise for Neck and Back Pain

Step 3. Static Stretching

Dynamic Stretches

Perform these exercises for 30 to 60 seconds each before starting the actual strengthening exercises. There are many other stretching exercises, but these are the most common and effective.

Neck Roll

Stand or sit straight facing forward. Begin by tilting your head to the right. You should feel a stretch in your neck.

  • Roll your head counterclockwise after holding for 2 seconds.
  • Repeat the step clockwise returning to the position where you started.
  • Repeat this exercise 3 to 4 times. This exercise is good for the neck and upper back.

Shoulder Roll

  • Put your arms by your sides as you stand.
  • Do 5 full rotations of rolling your shoulders backward in a circular manner. Then make 5 forward revolutions.
  • Repeat this sequence several times. Good for the neck and upper back.

Overhead Arm Reach

  • Put your feet on the floor and lean forward in a chair.
  • Reach to the left while raising your right arm above your head. When you feel a stretch in your right lat and shoulder, bend your torso.
  • Go back to the starting position. 5 times total, then switch to your left arm and repeat. Good stretching for the upper back.

Chair Rotation

  • Lie back in a chair. Your right side needs to be resting against the chair’s back.
  • Rotate your torso to the right while keeping your legs still and reaching with your hands for the chair’s back.
  • As your muscles relax, keep your upper body rotating while stretching deeper and deeper with your arms.
  • Ten seconds of holding. Repeat 3 times for each side. Best stretching exercise for the back.


  • Your palms and knees should be positioned in line with your shoulders and hips, respectively.
  • Tuck your pelvis in and round out your midback as you inhale. To relax your neck, pull your navel towards your spine and droop your head.
  • Exhale and come back to a neutral spine position after 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Allow your back to sag towards the floor as you turn your face towards the sky. 3 to 5 seconds of holding.
  • Repeat this exercise five times. Best stretching exercise for the neck and back.

Best Neck and Back Pain Relief Exercises

Your back and neck muscles must be strengthened if you want to lessen or avoid pain. Pick a few of the following movements to focus on them. These exercises sometimes employ your body weight and dumbbells or resistance bands in others. If you can, choose a combination of both kinds.


  • With your left hand outstretched and a dumbbell in your right hand, brace yourself against a wall.
  • Adjust your waist hinge to a 45-degree angle and let the dumbbell hang down.
  • Pull the dumbbell straight up with a tucked elbow while maintaining a neutral neck and soft knees.
  • You should perform 2-4 sets of 8–12 repetitions.

Face Pull

  • Fix the resistance band to a solid surface above the level of your eyes. Take an overhand grip on each handle.
  • Pull straight up to your face while extending your upper arms to the sides and tensing your shoulders. Return to the starting position after pausing.
  • Complete three 12-rep sets.

Scapular Squeeze

  • Squeeze your shoulder blades together as you stand with your arms at your sides. Release after five seconds of holding.
  • Repeat 3 to 5 times.

Wall Angel

  • As you stand, lean flat against a wall. To fully soften your back against the wall, you might need to take a small step back with your feet.
  • Put your hands out in front of you to form a “T” shape, and then bend your elbows at the 90-degree mark.
  • Keep your arms flat on the wall the entire time as you raise and lower them slowly in the shape of a “snow angel”.
  • Return to the starting position once your fingers touch the sky above you.
  • Complete three 10-rep sets. This is one of the best neck and shoulder pain exercises.

Reverse Dumbbell Fly

  • Take two light dumbbells in your hands and stand with your arms hanging straight down, your waist bent at a 45-degree angle.
  • Lift your arms out to the sides and up while maintaining a neutral neck and a downward gaze.
  • At the peak of the movement, tense your shoulders.
  • Finish 3 sets of 8–12 repetitions.

Lat Pull Down

  • Under a resistance band fastened to a solid surface overhead, sit or stand.
  • When your upper arms are parallel to the floor, pull down on the band.
  • Return to the beginning posture after pausing at the bottom and contracting your lats.
  • Finish 3 sets of 8–12 repetitions.


  • Your arms should be raised above your head as you lay on your stomach.
  • Lift both your arms and legs off the ground while maintaining a neutral neck position. Be sure to raise your back and glutes.
  • Pause at the peak position before going back to the beginning.
  • Perform the Superman exercise for 3 sets of 10 repetitions. The best exercise for stress neck pain and tension in the neck.

Static Stretches

Child Pose

  • Begin on all fours on the ground.
  • Spread your knees as widely apart as possible with your big toes touching, then sit your glutes back onto your feet.
  • Arms raised above your head while you sit upright.
  • Hinge at the waist and lower your upper body between your legs on your subsequent exhalation.
  • Allow your shoulders to open up, your glutes to sink back, and your forehead to contact the floor.
  • Hold for a minimum of 15 seconds. Good exercise for tense shoulders, neck, and shoulder pain.


  • Your elbows should be touching as you place your palms on the opposing shoulders.
  • Release after holding for 10 to 20 seconds. The best exercise for tension in the neck and shoulders.
  • Repeat 3–5 times or more.

Upper Trapezius Stretch

  • Place your right hand on the back of your head while standing or sitting comfortably. Put your left hand behind your back by taking it.
  • Pull your head towards your right shoulder with your right hand.
  • Hold for ten to fifteen seconds. An excellent exercise for neck pain and shoulder.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.

Levator Scapulae Stretch

  • Turn your neck 45 degrees to the left when standing straight or sitting in a chair.
  • As you gaze into a shirt pocket, crook your neck downward. For a further stretch, use your left hand.
  • Hold for ten to fifteen seconds.
  • Repeat on the opposite side.


Every person’s recovery will be different. Before beginning any new exercise program, speak with a physical therapist or other healthcare providers if you require a special treatment plan or are in a lot of pain.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How to loosen neck muscles?

Ans. Try simple neck stretches, slowly rotating your head from side to side and rolling your shoulders back and forth to help loosen up your neck muscles. Muscle relaxation can also be aided by applying heat or receiving a massage.

How to relieve tight shoulder muscles?

Ans. Try stretching exercises that focus on the shoulders and neck, like the overhead stretch or the doorway stretch, to ease stiff shoulder muscles. Other methods for relaxing the muscles and easing discomfort include applying heat or cold therapy, getting a massage, or using a foam roller.

Why are my shoulders so tight?

Ans. There are several different causes of stiff shoulders, including bad posture, tension, and misuse of the muscles. Another sign of underlying issues like arthritis or rotator cuff injuries is tightness in the shoulder.

How to relax your shoulders?

Ans. To relax your shoulders, take deep breaths, practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga, and do gentle stretches or exercises that target the shoulders and neck. Applying heat or getting a massage can also help to relax the muscles.

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