Home Remedies for Ringworm

What is Ringworm?

Dermatophytosis, or ringworm, is a widespread fungal infection affecting skin, hair, and nails. Despite its name, dermatophytes, a group of fungi, are what cause ringworm, not worms. The fungi are very contagious and flourish in warm, humid conditions. They spread through direct contact with infected people, animals, or items.

Common Symptoms of Ringworm

Common Symptoms of Ringworm

Circular or oval-shaped rashes with raised, red rims and clear centers are the most common symptoms of ringworm. You can develop these rashes anywhere on the body, including the scalp, feet, groins, and nails, which can be itchy, scaly, or crusty.

Causes of Ringworm

Causes of Ringworm

Numerous fungal species, such as Trichophyton, Micros Porum, and Epidermophyton, are responsible for ringworm. These fungi produce the recognizable circular rash by feeding on the protein keratin, which is present in the skin, hair, and nails. Sharing towels, clothing, or other personal belongings with an infected individual can spread the infection. Ringworm may be more contagious in those with compromised immune systems or underlying skin disorders like eczema or psoriasis.

Where can it occur?

Ringworm can affect both your skin and your nails. Although it can occur anywhere on your skin, including your face, it is most frequently found on the arms and scalp. Ringworm may go by various names depending on where it appears. For instance, jock itch is used when it occurs in the groin region. Athlete’s foot is the term for it when it affects the space in between your toes. Fortunately, home remedies for ringworm often work successfully.

Home Remedies for Ringworm

Following is the list of home remedies to treat ringworm:

Soap and Water

When you have ringworm, you should maintain the affected region as clean and tidy as possible. This aids in controlling the affected area and preventing the spread of the rash. Every day, wash the affected part with water and antibacterial soap before covering it with other homemade remedies. After a shower, properly dry the area because moisture makes the fungus more likely to spread.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Applying apple cider vinegar directly to the affected area has been shown to have significant antifungal effects, which may help treat ringworm. Apply it with a cotton ball dipped in undiluted apple cider vinegar on your skin. Repeat this three times a day to get better results.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains certain fatty acids that can kill fungi by rupturing their cell membranes. According to some research, coconut oil may be a helpful treatment for those who have mild to moderate skin infections. Apply liquid coconut oil to the skin three times daily to treat ringworm. Additionally, coconut oil can be used as a moisturizing lotion, which may help people from getting ringworm. Use it by liquefying the coconut oil in your palm or the microwave before applying it to the affected area. It will swiftly penetrate the skin. Apply it at least three times every day.

Aloe Vera

Ringworm is one of the many bacterial and fungal infections. Aloe vera has historically been used to cure naturally. You can treat ringworm with aloe vera, which may also help with itchiness, swelling, and pain. Ointments containing aloe vera are available, or you can apply aloe vera gel there. Perform this at least three times every day.


Numerous health advantages of turmeric include its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial capabilities. Additionally, it works well as a growth-inhibiting antifungal. It would help to mix the turmeric spice or freshly ground turmeric with a tiny amount of water to create a paste. You should apply it to your skin and leave it there until it dries. For internal advantages, you can also regularly drink turmeric tea or water.

Tea Tree Oil

Indigenous Australians traditionally utilized tea tree oil as an antifungal and antibacterial, and it is still used today. When used to treat fungal skin infections, it can be incredibly successful. Apply tea tree oil directly to the affected area twice or three times each day using a cotton ball or swab. Tea tree oil can be made less potent by adding carrier oil, such as coconut oil, which has antifungal benefits for more delicate skin. You can apply it directly if your skin is not sensitive.

Powdered Licorice

Licorice is a common herbal remedy in traditional Chinese medicine with antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects. Additionally, ringworm and other fungal illnesses are treated with it as a home cure. Use three tablespoons of licorice root powder with 1 cup of water for optimal outcomes. This combination should be heated until it boils, then it should be simmered for ten minutes. The liquid should solidify into a paste after cooling. This should be used twice daily for the ringworm patch. After letting it sit for at least 10 minutes, wipe it off or rinse it.

Essential Oils

To treat ringworm, you can use essential oils like tree tea, coconut, oregano, or lemongrass. Ensure you are not allergic to the essential oils before using them. Add three to five drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil, such as mineral or olive oil. Next, apply it to a dime-sized area of healthy skin. It should be okay to use on your infection if you don’t have any side effects in 12 to 24 hours.


The extent and location of the infection determine the best course of treatment for ringworm. Antifungal creams sold over the counter can treat minor ailments, but prescription antifungal drugs may be necessary to treat more severe or widespread infections. It’s critical to practice proper hygiene practices such as hand washing and refraining from sharing personal belongings to stop the spread of ringworm. Keeping the affected area dry and clean can also speed up healing. Maintaining treatment until the infection has entirely disappeared is crucial since ringworm can occasionally reappear. However, you can use the above home remedies for good results. Not all these remedies need to work on every skin. Every skin has a different sensitivity level, so try a treatment that doesn’t irritate your skin.

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