Neck pain and Back Pain Relief Exercises

Introduction Neck pain and back pain are mostly linked to each other especially upper back pain. You will ...
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Muscle Pain, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

What is Muscle Pain? Muscle pain has a variety of causes. Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, can ...
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Causes of Toe Pain

Introduction People of various ages and levels of exercise can have toe pain, which is a frequent ailment. ...
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Exercises to Relieve Stress and Tension

Overview Tension and stress are more prevalent than ever in everyday life. Many things might cause stress and ...
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leukopenia causes and signs and symptoms

Leukopenia Causes Signs and Symptoms
White blood cells (WBCs), usually referred to as leukocytes, are one of the several blood cell types that ...
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Cardiac Tamponade: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cardiac tamponade is an intense medical condition in which blood or fluids fill the space between the sac ...
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What is Automatonophobia?

What is Automatonophobia
Automatonophobia refers to fear of objects that represent human beings. These objects include wax statutes, dummies, and animatronics ...
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Hitchhiker’s Thumb

What is Hitchhiker’s Thumb? Hitchhiker’s thumb is a genetic condition that causes a person to bend his or her ...
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What is an Enlarged Thyroid?

Enlarged Thyroid is a n enlargement of the thyroid gland is medically known as goiter. Usually, the thyroid ...
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What is Periostitis?

Periostitis is a medical condition where the bone covering known as periosteum is inflamed. The bone is always ...
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